Synopsis: In a land where the people have divided themselves because of a disagreement long ago, a man and woman from the different sides fall in love. Despite the efforts
Synopsis: In a land where the people have divided themselves because of a disagreement long ago, a man and woman from the different sides fall in love. Despite the efforts
AWAY BUS SYNOPSIS: Two sisters – BIBI and KIKI, have to raise 20 thousand Ghana cedis within 12 hours for emergency surgery to save their dying mother. When all attempts
Synopsis: Three friends find out they can make fortunes from exposing cheating husbands and boyfriends after making tons of cash unexpectedly upon reporting a cheating husband to the wife. They
Synopsis: “KETEKE” tells a story focused on the 1980s rail service system in Ghana. A couple, BOI (AdjeteyAnang) and ATSWEI (Lydia Forson), living in Puna, is bent on delivering their
Synopsis: “Master and Three Maids” is a light comedy set in Ghana. Three Maids who want to make good money find themselves working for a stingy Master who always finds